29th April 2024
2023 Annual General Meeting
To all Mid-Roscommon Co-Operative Society Ltd. members
The Annual General Meeting of Mid-Roscommon Co-Operative Society Ltd. will be held at 8.30 pm sharp on Tuesday 21st May 2024 in Kilbride Community Building. All members are requested to attend.
1. Chairman's address
2. Secretary s report
3. Auditors report
4. Appointment of auditor
5. Election of Board members
6. Water charges for 2024
7. Representative from NFGWS
8. A.O.B.
Yours sincerly
Sean Carroll
Election of members to the board
In accordance to the rules of the society, one third of the board should retire each year but are eligible for re-election without nomination. This year, Sean Flanagan, Sean Carroll, Gerry Farrell and Des Hunt are retiring but all four are offering themselves for re-election.
Nominations to the Board, other than retiring members shall be in writing to the secretary and shall can contain a statement by the member nominated of his/her willingness to be elected. Nominations should be forwarded to the secretary on or before 18th May 2024. Nomination forms are available if you contact the Mid-Roscommon office.